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UE Systems Europe B.V.

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Detect Problems Before It’s Too Late

Don’t wait for electrical components to fail to tell you something is wrong. With the UltraView Plus camera, you can easily detect issues such as corona, tracking, and arcing. Simply point the camera at an electrical asset and the partial discharge locations will display on the screen in real time, allowing you to detect problems before it’s too late.

The UltraView Plus can also be used for compressed air leak detection.

Why Choose the UltraView Plus?

Fast and Easy to Use
– Detecting partial discharge is significantly faster than ever
– Minimal setup and training required
– Intuitive interface
– No software installation necessary

Real Time Analytics and Reports
– Partial discharge locations are displayed on the screen in real time
– Accurate and reliable
– Store your findings and create partial discharge reports
– Analytics provide gauge of severity

Minimal set-up and training required

Software installation is not required

Find partial discharge locations faster and easier than ever

See partial discharge locations display on screen in real time

Wider scanning area

Easily create intuitive reports that provide gauge of severity

Determine the type of partial discharge through advanced analytics

With the UltraView Plus Camera, you can easily detect issues such as corona, tracking, and arcing faster than ever!


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Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Easyfairs in keinerlei Geschäftsbeziehungen oder Partnerschaften mit den oben genannten Firmen und Organisationen steht. Wir übernehmen keinerlei Verantwortung für jegliche Interaktion mit diesen Unternehmen. Wir versichern allen Beteiligten, dass wir Datenschutz ernst nehmen und keine Daten an diese Drittunternehmen weitergegeben haben.

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