Co-located with
NETZSCH – Founding member of Star Pump Alliance
Netzsch Pumpen & Systeme GmbH

NETZSCH – Founding member of Star Pump Alliance

The Star Pump Alliance has set itself the goal to assist professional users of pumps in selecting pump technologies tailored to fit their specific applications. When searching for application-specific, mostly individual information about pump technologies



The Star Pump Alliance has set itself the goal to assist professional users of pumps in selecting pump technologies tailored to fit their specific applications. When searching for application-specific, mostly individual information about pump technologies, professional pump users are often dissatisfied with the results produced by commonly available search engines, since these fail to meet the requirements of industrial applications.

Star Pump Alliance offers the solution to fill this gap. The portal offers extensive information about segments of industry, specific applications and technologies as well as many useful tools for the individual selection of pumps and – this is unique – a digital technology selector with access to the product portfolios of different brands. This selector proposes to website visitors one or several suitable pump technologies for each specific application on the basis of the application characteristics the users have entered. Specific pump technologies are recommended according to verifiable technical criteria, and users can continuously observe the effect of their data entries on narrowing down the search result in the selector. On the basis of this result, they can subsequently contact the most suitable supplier directly. This saves them a lot of time and expense in the selection process.

The portal is backed by numerous well-known pump manufacturers, such as NETZSCH, market and technology leaders with many decades of expertise, whose common goal it is to make a complex process for pump users much easier. The members of the Star Pump Alliance will get in touch with the user directly, as soon as he has sent in his enquiry.


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