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New management in the Metals business area: Pernille Lind Olsen joins the Henkel Adhesive Technologies team
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Expansion of the portfolio for smart maintenance solutions.

Henkel introduces a digital monitoring solution for industrial steam systems to the market.



As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of adhesives, sealants, and functional coatings, Henkel offers a broad portfolio of solutions for Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) across more than 800 industry segments. Leveraging its extensive experience in MRO markets, the Adhesive Technologies division continuously develops innovative smart maintenance solutions, providing added value to its customers. In 2021, Henkel introduced LOCTITE Pulse, an innovative digital solution that optimizes existing maintenance processes using data-driven technologies, simultaneously enhancing safety, productivity, sustainability, and equipment uptime.

Expanding its portfolio for new applications, Henkel now introduces LOCTITE Pulse Smart Steam Trap. This solution monitors the condition of steam traps, detecting irregularities and critical failures at an early stage. Steam traps, also known as condensate drains, are crucial components in steam systems and are widely used in numerous industrial facilities. They play a key role in collecting and removing condensate and statistically rank among the most failure-prone components in an industrial plant. Insufficient monitoring of steam traps can lead to significant issues such as blockages, overflow, or leaks, resulting in high steam and energy losses, increased downtime and repair costs, and adverse effects on product quality. Therefore, continuous monitoring of steam traps is essential to detect and address damages promptly.



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