Co-located with
ISOware GmbH

ISOware GmbH

maintenance Dortmund 2024

Über uns

Creating new added value through Strategic maintenance management – ISOware makes it happen.

### We digitise your maintenance.

We strengthen manufacturing companies where it has maximum impact: directly in their core competence!

Maintenance is the central collector for all technical information, the point where the threads run together. This is the pole position for strategic optimisation.

Through systematic management, maintenance is systematically evolving from the role of the driven to that of the driver, the innovation engine.

### Mastering the challenge of information gathering

Valuable data for strategic optimisation
The most important source of information for strategic maintenance management is the human person. This is where the potential for systematic improvement can be found. Decisive information is highly volatile, the acquired knowledge and the experience gained linger in the minds of the employees.

### The knock-out criterion is acceptance!

Technically, it is not yet possible to automatically collect this data. So if the employees don’t want it, this valuable source of information cannot be opened up.

Systems that cannot motivate maintenance workers to truthfully provide relevant information are simply worthless!

### [sip] – Software for maintenance management

Unlike maintenance modules of ERP systems, which often ignore this fact and therefore cannot reach this potential, ISOware [sip] starts exactly here and wins the human being as a valueable source of information.




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