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New xLC® stator adjustment system may increase the life time of the pump by up to three times
Netzsch Pumpen & Systeme GmbH

New xLC® stator adjustment system may increase the life time of the pump by up to three times

The progressing cavity pump belongs to the group of rotary positive displacement pumps. It is used in almost all industry sectors for conveyance and dosing of various media. Preferably, media with or without solids having low to very high viscosities conv



The progressing cavity pump belongs to the group of rotary positive displacement pumps. It is used in almost all industry sectors for conveyance and dosing of various media. Preferably, media with or without solids having low to very high viscosities conveys. However, it is also suitable for conveying aggressive media, such as the ones used in papermaking, wastewater treatment or brewery.
To further increase the service life of NEMO® progressing cavity pumps in these applications, NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH has developed a special xLC® unit based on the easy-to-replace and easy-to-maintain iFD® stator 2.0 for readjusting the pumps. If the seal between the conveying elements rotor and stator fails due to wear, compressing the elastomer can easily and quickly restore the pre-tensioning, and with it the pump performance. Moreover, an integrated display provides information about the readjustment status of the stator and when a stator change is impend at all times. Thus the tool ensures more operational and planning safety. The xLC® system can also be combined, for example, with joints and seals as well as special wear coatings for rotors. Retrofitting older pumps is also possible without any problems. For this, a conversion kit is offered for the available pump sizes.


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