Co-located with
Netzsch Pumpen & Systeme GmbH

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NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps in FSIP® design can be used in any area of industry where a great variety of different substances must be pumped or very precisely dosed. The FSIP® concept of the NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pump is especially interesting where pumps are installed in wear intensive applications requiring more service and maintenance work. Every time the installer’ s workload is eased, additional work steps are avoided and maintenance time is reduced, this enables savings in terms of capacities and costs.

The FSIP® pump is designed in a way that the housing itself functions as support and orientation guideline. The special design enables that each part automatically fits into its destination. Positioning is done automatically without further adjustments. Therefore the change of all wear parts takes less than half of the time required so far.

In block construction with a flanged drive, this NEMO® pump is particularly compact and economical. The pump also differentiates itself by means of low investment and operating costs. In FSIP® design the pump can help to safe even more maintenance costs and costs caused by downtimes. Two rotor/stator geometries are available to cover a broad spectrum of products and applications. Contact us and we will help you find the optimal solution for your particular application.


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