Co-located with
Schindler Solutions GmbH

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Driving license checks in the company made easy

For companies with a fleet of vehicles, regular driving license checks are required by law. So that you can implement this with as little effort as possible, Schindler has added a corresponding module to its S-Anywhere system solution. This allows driving license checks to be carried out with a minimum of effort for the vehicle owner and in compliance with GDPR. Checks that are still open are displayed in the system so that you are always on the safe side.
The features are:
· Carrying out the regular, legally required controls.
· The user’s master data and their driver’s license data are reduced to the bare essentials based on the GDPR regulation.
Three control variants are possible:
1. Mobile using an app (photo driving license)
2. Mobile using RFID driving license label
3. Using an RFID driver’s license label at a control terminal.
The advantages are:
· Maximum flexibility thanks to different examination variants
· You save time and travel costs
· Automatic test notification via push message on smartphones
· GDPR-compliant data collection
· Lean workflow
· Extensive evaluation options.


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