Co-located with
SERO PumpSystems GmbH

SERO PumpSystems GmbH

PUMPS & VALVES Dortmund 2024

Über uns

SERO PumpSystems GmbH is a family-owned German pump manufacturer. Customer service and sales are handled through a worldwide network of agents and own subsidiaries.

More than 80 years of experience as the only exclusive manufacturer of side channel pumps have made SERO a technology leader in this field, providing customized pump solutions for the efficient and safe transfer of liquids and liquid-gas mixtures. Industrial pump users and EPCs appreciate SERO’s competence as a problem solver and the outstanding reliability in equipment and service.

Established in 1894 as Berliner Pumpenfabrik AG, after relocation to Meckesheim in 1959, the company operated under SERO Pumpenfabrik. In 2003 the name was changed to SERO PumpSystems. Since 2005 we added the SMW Service and Pumpentechnik as a strong service partner to our business group. SERO has further expanded its international presence: SERO PumpSystems Inc. with a sales office and parts distribution center located in Houston/Tx., was founded in 2007. In 2013 followed Singapore-based SERO PumpSystems Pte. Ltd. as a hub for the Asia-Pacific area. In 2014, SERO completed a major investment in a new office building and production facilities at the site in Meckesheim and has thus laid the foundation for future growth and increased flexibility.




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