Co-located with
Fristam Pumpen Schaumburg GmbH

Your All-rounder in Oil and Gas Industry, the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry as well as Tank farms.

VPS-Verdrängerpumpen Schaumburg belongs to the worldwide active Fristam group. VPS is concentrated on pumping solutions based on its core technology, the twin screw pump, for the oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical industry as well as tank farm solutions.



VPS belongs to the worldwide active Fristam group. Based on its core technology, the single flow twin screw pumps, Fristam Industry offers pumping solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry, the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry as well as Tank farms.

The modular system of the product portfolio allows pumping solutions for low and high flowrate applications as well as for low and high pressure applications based on standard executions. All solutions are based on the FDS series, the flexible “All-rounder”.

The team behind VPS is well experienced in different industries and likes to be the partner from the early planning phase through the realization and installation and finally to be a reliable partner also after the start-up phase. Within the VPS team the service department is focused on customer support in order to realize the best uptime of the delivered pumping solutions!


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